Profile Pages - Video Interview
The 'Video Interview' is a valuable opportunity to showcase your skills, experience, and background for ALL employers throughout your career journey in a warm and authentic environment. This acts as a 1st-round interview environment for employers to get to know you more and plays like a TV or podcast interview - in other words, the goal is to get to know you more deeply, not challenge or test you.​
One of the benefits of this interview environment is that it allows companies to skip the typical first-round questions (like where you're from, what are you best at, etc.) and allows employers to get to the heart of interviewing you for the fit of their specific job, team, and culture.
Another benefit is that you get to interview once for MANY companies. As such, your profile and this interview will be working for you behind the scenes throughout your career without you ever having to submit an application or schedule an interview.
Click the tabs at the top of the profile to learn more about each section of the profile. You can also click the bubbles to get tips and ideas on completing each section.
***Once the video interview is completed, your Scout will upload the recorded interview for your review in this section.